"Krishnamurti for the Young"

A Review

"Krishnamurti for the Young"

#2.10, #2.11, #2.12

To suit the needs of the younger children – perhaps from around 11 to 14 years — the Krishnamurti Foundation of India has brought out a series of small books entitled "Krishnamurti for the young".

The books contain simple and short excerpts on themes that children can easily grasp, besides Krishnamurti’s answers to questions from children.

Attractive colour drawings and ‘Things to do’ are the other features of the books (28 pages). So far available titles in the series are:

#2.10 What is it to care?

#2.11 What does freedom mean?

#2.12 What does fear do to you?

From the introduction to the series "For the Young":

"Krishnamurti for the young" is a series of books designed to help young people to understand and deal with the world within themselves – the world of hurts, fears, pleasures, ambitions, success, failures and so on.

"Isn't there another whole area of life that you would like to be aware of, be introduced to – the world of thoughts and feelings inside you? Must you not learn how you are hurt sometimes, what are the things that make you angry and how to deal with them or what your fears are and how they affect your relationship with teachers and parents or friends? Don't you want to know how you respond to the beauty of life in trees and plants and animals around you or how you feel when you see human beings suffer? Would you not like to find out what you love to do most so that what you do later as you grow up gives you a lot of joy?"